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the IPM News

What’s new this week?


Half Term Week

We break up for half term after Period 3 for one week, on Saturday 15th February 2025; the day after Valentine’s Day. The mock exams are next week on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th February 2025. The times will run from 08:45 until the end of the school day. Notice of the schedule will be sent out to all parents and students later today.

[Image of the amended Spring term Learning Dairy]

Learning Theme for the week: Theory Based Mock Exam Preparation Week.

This week be prepared to do more theory than playing or singing this week, tutors will spend time all aspects of music knowledge with students.


Music Exams

As a reminder, the change of the half term week has had a knock-on effect to the mock exam week. There are now three (2) weeks to the mock exams. It is now ten (9) weeks to the music exams. A reminder that entry to the RSL Awards music exams for Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April 2025, is subject to the results achieved the week after the mocks.


Books and Sheet Music

A reminder that the purchasing of sheet music from RSL via our website, is far easier to do, and you will be able to download what you need to your device immediately; all you have to do is print off the sheet music and save ALL the audio files to your device. Navigate to our homepage

and click on the Rockschool link, Again. Follow the instructions to purchase, download, and save the files to your device. Print off all related sheet music and put them in your folder and bring them to your lessons.


Parking and Residents near I-Play Music

My wife and I have received a number of complaints from our neighbours for some time now and it has prompted me to include this in the week’s newsletter. In order to maintain good relations with our neighbours, it is imperative that all drivers who drop off and pick up students of IPM, spare a thought by not parking in front of drop-down kerbs designated for parking.


I-Play Music Marketplace

A list of items with pictures will be uploaded during the course of this week, we will keep you updated. 


Catch-Up Lessons

Bearing in mind that this is a short term, students who qualify for catch up lessons may have to prepare for an extended lesson. Arrange this with your tutor this week.


Student of the Week

Every week, the student who makes a significant achievement will be selected as Student of the Week, and it will be linked to progress aligned with the current syllabus on the Learning Diary. This week the student of the week is Jethra for producing the perfect folder with everything needed for her music lessons and exams.


Once again, have yourselves a very productive week and I look forward as always to seeing good progress.


Myke Masters Lewis

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