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I-Play Music Standards of Admission Policy 2024 to 2025


Learning how to play or sing your music to a high standard and with utmost passion, requires a certain level of commitment and unsupervised practise. Practise is essential and it is an integral part of learning any musical instrument. The I-Play Music Standards of Admission Policy is centred on students enrolling for musical instrument lessons and performing at events. In doing so, it is imperative to understand, that you the student must put in the necessary homework practise, to do well throughout your time at I-Play Music; it is not a place for those not intending to apply themselves.

Every September to December individuals will experience learning on a two-to-one basis. Primary school age students will enjoy 60 minutes of learning with one other student. Secondary to adult students will enjoy 90 minutes of learning again with one other student. Every last week in December and every first week back in January, all students will be working through their homework diaries; the latter is in preparation for mock exams in February and the RSL Awards exams in March. From April and throughout the summer term, the focus is on performances including small and large band rehearsals.


The Initial Assessment.

During the initial assessment, the factors we take into consideration when accepting candidates as students are: -

  1. Being prepared to put in the extra time and to commit to practising using an arranged schedule for the entire year.

  2. Wanting to learn how to play and perform with the musical instrument of their choice at the Concert and Presentation Awards.

  3. Being prepared to sign-up to our student portal and check daily for homework and any important news bulletins.

  4. Accepting the Learning Diary as the most important document and to bring it to all lessons and band rehearsals. If an electronic one is available, then you the student must login to access it.


Candidates will also be assessed to see whether they: -

  1. Have the ability to carry out instructions with minimum fuss and are prepared to try and achieve a positive outcome.

  2. Have the ability to concentrate/focus on the activity or task presented by the tutor over a period of 15 to 20 minutes.

  3. Are demonstrating the right aptitude and attitude for learning.

  4. Have the willingness to try different approaches to learn a particular skill, so as to aid or speed up learning.


Once we all agree with the outcome of the assessment, we expect the parent or you the student if 18 or over to: -

  1. Enrol through completing the Application & Registration Form ideally in the presence of a member of the IPM SLT.

  2. Once enrolled and lessons started, apply total commitment to your course for the duration of your time at IPM.

  3. Demonstrate understanding of the criteria for study including the use of Learning Diary, use of the Student Portal and online Homework and Practise Diaries, the important necessity of taking video mock exams, and preparing for and performing at the Concert and Presentation Awards set in the second or third week in July each year.


Applying for a Music Course at I-Play Music

We take students from the age of 10 and we cater for the complete novice right through to the advanced student who may feel the need to improve using fresh techniques for music performances. We may sometimes arrange for students to have online lessons with a carefully selected tutor. Students and parents must always ensure that evaluations and any homework activities our communicated to the principal tutor of I-Play Music. The outside tutor is not required to rearrange a previously arranged lesson time without first consulting the student and the principal tutor of I-Play Music. Applications for our courses run the last two-weeks of May, notably Monday 20th to Friday and Monday 27th to Friday 31st respectively. To apply for music lessons, please visit and navigate to our contact page. Complete the online form including your phone number and click send. The information you provide will enable the I-Play Music Admin Team to contact you and setup a taster / workshop session.


Completing the Application & Registration Form

The Application & Registration form will be sent to the person required to complete and sign it. If completing online, the document should be completed fully with no omissions, DocuSigned and sent back to Once this process is completed, lesson allocation will be arranged soon after. The Head of Admin will make contact with you and talk about the settling in period and other important factors such as student expectations. The Application & Registration Form will be scanned, and a copy sent by email to the responsible person who signed it; the original Application & Registration Form will be used for the purposes intended only and filed away securely by I-Play Music Ltd. The person who signs the Application & Registration Form will be legally bound by its terms and conditions and will be responsible for all tuition and exam fees. 


Making the First Payment​

Our academic payment terms run from the initial enrolment month which this year, begins on Tuesday 1st to 15th August 2023 through until Monday 15th of July 2024. The procedure for monthly payments is different if starting late in September. In such case, the first is a double payment and is due at the start of September until the 15th day of that month. Booking an assessment lesson can be applied for at any time during the summer term.

The first three years of study are essentially the most important time of acquiring a solid foundation of techniques related to the instrument of study. It must be stressed here that this is often overlooked by students studying with us, that is why we constantly run assessment sessions. Being a RSL Awards Approved Examination Centre, quality learning resources are supplied for every study program we offer, including our own. All stages include learning three performance songs with technical exercises and Practical Theory combined. More detailed information on all courses can be found in the Courses page at



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