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I-Play Music Musical Artist Development

“To provide individuals with the opportunity to excel in personal achievements

through the art of learning and playing their music with passion.”

IPM and UCAS Points:

IPM is registered with RSL Awards as a Private Examination Centre. Our Level 3 Music Instrument and Music Production Courses from Grade 6 to 8, all carry UCAS Points.

What is UCAS?

UCAS (Universities & Colleges Admissions Service) is a clearing house for applications to almost all full-time undergraduate degree programmes at UK universities and colleges.

What are UCAS Points?

UCAS rates qualifications and awards them a tariff score based on various factors. The points accrued by completing multiple qualifications which are on the UCAS tariff can be combined together to meet University entry requirements.

What is the Tariff and how does it work?

UCAS tariff points have changed for entry to Higher Education in 2017 and beyond. All qualifications in the new system carry far fewer points than was previously the case. 

All qualifications have been reassessed by UCAS and had a new rating applied. For example a Grade A* at A Level used to carry 140 points under the old tariff. The same A* grade would now carry 56 points under the new system.

All of RSL’s qualifications have retained their value relative to equivalent qualifications from other Awarding Organisations.

Which RSL qualifications have UCAS points?

Bass, Drums, Guitar, Piano, Keyboard, Music Theory & Production, and Vocals, Grade 6, 7, and 8, all have UCAS Points. The table below shows the UCAS Points…

Instrument Music Grades and Music Production





Grade 6

8 points

10 points

12 points

Grade 7

12 points

14 points

16 points

Grade 8

18 points

24 points

30 points

Where a candidate has taken more than one exam in one instrument, they can only put forward the exam which gave them the highest number of points. However, where points are awarded for graded exams in different instruments, these can be accumulated, but it would be the decision of the university or college whether or not they choose to accept both sets of points.

Music Theory





Grade 6

4 points

5 points

6 points

Grade 7

6 points

7 points

8 points

Grade 8

8 points

9 points

10 points

The I-Play Music Mock Exam

The I-Play Music (IPM) Mock Exam is designed to closely replicate the RSL Awards Music Exam, providing valuable practice and preparation for the real exam which occurs at the I-Play Music Centre in March each year. The mock exam aims to realistically simulate the experience of the actual exam for the candidate.

Graded Music Exam: Candidates performing a graded exam will be required to perform three songs, along with the remaining three sections outlined below: -

. Technical Exercises

. Supporting Tests

. General Musicianship Questions

Performance Exam: Candidates opting for a performance exam will perform five songs without the Technical Exercises, Supporting Tests, or General Musicianship Questions. This option is typically selected by candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical aspects essential for outstanding performances.

Homework Assignment: Each December, I-Play Music students are expected to complete the IPM Homework Assignment, which must be submitted to the tutor at the beginning of the spring term (Refer to the IPM Standards of Admission Policy provided with the completed Application and Registration Form).

In preparation for the mock exam, students must have completed Period 1 and Period 2 of the Homework Assignment, which is distributed to all students in late December. The completed work should be submitted to the tutor before the start of the next term.

The IPM Mock Exam is a standard procedure. If a student is not ready to take the scheduled mid-February mock exam, that student will be put forward to the next exam in March the following year.

Additional Information: The IPM Mock Exam is a standard procedure. If a student is not ready to take the scheduled mid-February mock exam, they will undergo assessment instead. A separate assessment date will be arranged for such students, particularly those who enroll late in the academic year at the beginning of the spring term.

At I-Play Music, we are dedicated to maintaining high standards and committed to enhancing our services wherever possible over the next twelve years, onwards and upwards.

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